‘I’ve Got Diamonds On The Soles Of My Shoes’ ~ Paul Simon

I dared to weigh myself this morning, knowing I shouldn’t. I have a fitbit watch/bracelet that documents me and I was hoping beyond expectations that I lost something, anything. I shed my outers, carefully placed myself on the scale and came up one pound lost since my last weight date which was yesterday (Wednesday). YesterdayContinueContinue reading “‘I’ve Got Diamonds On The Soles Of My Shoes’ ~ Paul Simon”

Sharon’s Way

CHEF SHARON’S WAY TO WEIGHT LOSS On 12-18-2020 I weighed in at 165.6 = DIET TIME. Rather than focus on the short term weight loss plan that inevitably resulted in regaining the weight, all the while putting me into a state of discomfort, I made an executive decision. BUMPER STICKER = SHORT TERM WEIGHT LOSSContinueContinue reading “Sharon’s Way”

Big Butt Big Gut

I carry my weight in my middle. People don’t think I’m fat, because I’m not fat all over. I was a skinny lanky thin muscled kid. Kids in the neighborhood used to call be ‘bag a bones’. My mother thought I had a tape worm – because of my big appetite. Now it seems thatContinueContinue reading “Big Butt Big Gut”

Top 10 Best And Worst Foods For Brain Health

FFC ClipBoard: Of particular interest to me are the herbs and spices category listed in the top 10 Foods For Brain Health, seeings though I use a lot of them in my animal-free recipes. At 71 years old I take no medication, the spine doctor said “there’s nothing wrong with your memory” and I canContinueContinue reading “Top 10 Best And Worst Foods For Brain Health”

CARAWAY SEEDS – why not?

Caraway seeds have been on my mind lately. Not knowing why I decided to Google them. It turns out that they are apparently just what the doctor in my mind ordered. I’ve been ill since June when I was hospitalized with pneumonia and sepsis, with a fever that although would go down when administered fever-reducingContinueContinue reading “CARAWAY SEEDS – why not?”

Mystery Sickness?

How I got so sick so fast is a mystery. Finally had an outpatient cardio echogram today to see if the infection in the lung spread to the heart. The Cleveland Clinic made me accept responsibility for payment or wait 10 days for the insurance company to approve it (Anthem Blue shield). It was orderedContinueContinue reading “Mystery Sickness?”

From One Year To The Next

The main goal, maybe the only goal, is to lose weight. Too often, having too many satellite goals clog up the process. Sure, eating more healthy, abstaining from animal products, lowering the fat, exercising more, stress management, fatigue management are all important. With me however, by focusing on all the peripherals, the losing of theContinueContinue reading “From One Year To The Next”

Hunger Pangs vs Instant Gratification

I’m beginning to think that my fat-loss is so slow, because I’m not feeling the hunger. And why not? The most obvious answer to my slow fat-loss is that I’m eating and drinking too much. However, my calorie count is lower than recommended. My fat count is low. My total calorie to fat calorie ratioContinueContinue reading “Hunger Pangs vs Instant Gratification”

Ease Up The Search For One Action Solutions

There isn’t going to be one food or one diet action that makes you lose all the fat you want to lose. It’s a conglomeration of a lot of simple, easy, little actions that gets you where you want to be. It doesn’t have to be slow either. What if you lost most of theContinueContinue reading “Ease Up The Search For One Action Solutions”


That half pound attached to the 155.5 lb. reading on the scale this past Friday bothered me, so I weighed myself this morning (Monday) at 4:14 AM, even though my rule was to weigh-in only once a week on Fridays. Obviously I woke up feeling a little lighter, otherwise I wouldn’t have done it. So,ContinueContinue reading “11 DAYS AND COUNTING”

Begin 7/6/2018 on “AFC RAPID Fat Loss Diet”

5 WEEK AFC RAPID FAT LOSS DIET IT’S TIME TO MELT THE FAT That’s right, I’m nearing the end of my fat reduction year and weight-wise I’m not doing all that well. So like the procrastinator I am, I’ve got a lot to do in a short amount of time. I have a weigh-in dateContinueContinue reading “Begin 7/6/2018 on “AFC RAPID Fat Loss Diet””


It’s time to get serious. Not that I haven’t been serious in my flight around the globe feeling out the terrain of weight gain and what causes it, besides over-eating. It’s just that I haven’t been serious about me actually losing the excess weight on my bones. I could have just eaten plain steamed veggiesContinueContinue reading “IT’S TIME…”

Spicy Chocolate Cashew Shake plus new breakfast and lunch regime

SPICY CHOCOLATE CASHEW SHAKE Rarely do I put ice into a smoothie. I don’t like the freeze on my throat and my blender doesn’t do ice well. So a shake it is. And a good one at that. I always did like milk shakes, till McDonald’s changed the landscape with their impossible to draw throughContinueContinue reading “Spicy Chocolate Cashew Shake plus new breakfast and lunch regime”

I Thought This Was A Fat-Free Site

I thought this was a fat-free site. What happened? Even though the site URL is fat-free chef, it’s not all fat-free. It isn’t even all about fat. It’s about working with fat in conjunction with other ingredients or working without fat – and then a bunch of other stuff. So why not change the URL?ContinueContinue reading “I Thought This Was A Fat-Free Site”

I Want My Land Legs Back

What does rest mean? I really don’t know. The treatment for my concussion is rest. What’s that? You mean sleep? I don’t get it. In forty-five days I should have recovered completely if I rested – in one hundred days if I didn’t rest. I’m not recovered yet, so that must mean I didn’t rest,ContinueContinue reading “I Want My Land Legs Back”


This is the note Steve left me on the kitchen counter this morning. And along with it this booklet. As I told my doctor: I’m not going to think about it till I have the biopsy. There’s nothing I can do now anyway. I’ll probably read the booklet after the biopsy and before I receiveContinueContinue reading “BIOPSY BOOKLET”

Big Foot’s Not Going To Win This One…

Eleven Days After The Fall – when Big Foot (the scale) tripped me in the bathroom in the middle of the night and the bathtub sucker-punched me. This is the first day I went out absent the face make-up. That “It” make-up for people with blemishes or rosebuds or scars or uneven coloring on theirContinueContinue reading “Big Foot’s Not Going To Win This One…”

When It Rains It Pours…another big foot update

Alright, so I go to the doctor about my fall and resultant injuries. He sees the pictures I took, asks me a bunch of questions, examines me. He orders a bunch of blood work and is more concerned about the dizziness and resultant balance difficulties, than he is about any broken bones I might haveContinueContinue reading “When It Rains It Pours…another big foot update”


When I looked over the months of weights recorded, my best weigh-in day is usually (not always) Wednesday. Steve’s week-end (Monday and Tuesday) is over – that’s when I weigh the least. I eat less when he’s home. We do more together. I’m not working all day – alone with Lilly Belle – cooking, maintainingContinueContinue reading “WEIGH-IN 2 DAYS PER WEEK: BEST DAY AND WORST DAY”


What do they say about the best-laid plans? They often go awry? Well, that’s me and my gym/spa escapade. I have to get up so early, and the bus trip is long and sometimes the bus wait isn’t a pleasant experience, then the bus trip back all before Steve goes to work. Then on oppositeContinueContinue reading “KAPUT”


Steve finally made it to the gym after procrastinating since September 2016. In fairness he had a stroke over Christmas and had a long recovery from carotid artery surgery, so he had some excuses. For me there were lots of excuses, but none of them were valid – the main one being I just didn’tContinueContinue reading “TURNING THE CORNER”

2 March 2017 Weight Loss Update

For months I’ve been putting off doing an update, since my weight fluctuated all over the place. But, since today is my birthday and I couldn’t sleep, I decided to get up and do some calculating. Granted I’ve had some stress in my life and I’m beginning to think now that it’s not just theContinueContinue reading “2 March 2017 Weight Loss Update”

30 October 2016 – weight loss update

My goal is to lose 5 lbs. per month. For the third month I’ve reached that goal. For weeks I weighed myself everyday, then only when I felt like it. Now it’s about every ten or so days, usually after a weekend, but not always. My final weight for the month is usually taken onContinueContinue reading “30 October 2016 – weight loss update”