Scales And Mirrors (part 1) ©


What’s in a shape?
Everything is defined by it –
everything explained by it.

Shape is everything. Without it
there’s nothing. As if
nothing is something,
but without shape why bother?
Even a blob has shape – even a blob
is defined as a blob.

A Teddy bear, a real bear,
a filing cabinet, a picture.
If a picture’s a picture it’s
shaped like one, otherwise
it isn’t a picture.

A blanket is a blanket because of it’s shape.
Ever se
a lamp shade? Didn’t think so,
not on this planet.

The key to understanding all
that surrounds us then, is shape,
not math, not accounting, not science,
not anything but shape.

Shape crafted whether by us
or another or a process
is an art. So, shape, thus craft,
thus art defines our world.
Not energy – except perhaps
that which is required to recognize
or reproduce a shape as a shape, or
art as art, craft as craft.
No shape, no art, no craft, then no us.

A fan.
I can fan myself with a
blanket, but it’s not a fan;
it’s a blanket.
I can put a lamp shade
on my head, but it’s not a hat.

We know this by the shape
of that which we observe.

You can hang a plate on the wall.
That does’nt make the plate the wall.
You can draw a wall on a plate, but
we know what’s the plate and
what’s the image of a wall – on a plate.

I could put a sack on a camel,
but it doesn’t make the sack the camel.

Shapes and images.
Scales and mirrors.
Reality vs reflection.
The two exist simultaneously
to excite our senses
to keep us alert to fraud
in the reality of the senses,
and in the reflective sense,
to help us capture the
beauty and agony in life –
as we learn from the discrepancy.


God, my god, puts the needs of the individual not the group first. It only makes sense that the stronger the individual, the stronger the group. In any military, the stronger the soldier, the stronger the entire unit, thus the reason for the rigorous training. When I said a while back in a Word Warrior essay that my assignment was to address the plan for the group and leave the individual to other numerous and equally qualified people, I trust that god, my god, would not only delegate that function, but it was my understanding that it already had. In fact, the needs of the individual are addressed in every self-help book on the market, from A to Z, instructing the individual precisely on how to become a better functioning, happy, productive, contributing individual, so why need me?

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, the delegation plagued itself with the insufferable internal, perpetual infighting, back-biting and self-service that produced nothing of lasting value, except perhaps frustration, which is a good place along that path for me to step in and try to make things right. So…for better or worse…since this was not an assignment I anticipated, I’m doing the whole enchilada – animal-free of course! After all, if my god can tell me what’s right for the group, the same should go for the individual – and like it or not that god has now increased my work load to include you. And frankly, now that I’m settled in to do it, I think we’re going to have fun in the process. If nothing else I’ll make you laugh, which should, if exercised with frequency, shake, rattle and roll those cells of yours into a different, and hopefully better alignment and/or configuration designed to suit you and your world.

Lots of us eat out of frustration.

INSTRUCTIONS: WEIGH SELF DAILY, so you know where you stand. By ignoring the scale we give ourselves a false fat meter reading, since our expectations regarding weight are always greater than the numbers prove. Look at self in full length mirror, nude, daily. VIGILANCE IS KEY. When you go to market can you guess by looking at the fruits and vegetables how much they weigh? I think not.

So weigh yourself every day, no matter if it discourages you. wouldn’t it be better to be discouraged and know that you can control how much you lose or gain that very day, rather than being left in the dark, while the scale climbs out of control?

You can’t control something you don’t know you don’t know. Simply saying you must lose weight is not enough. Do the math of it. FATTEN UP, EAT MORE. SLIM DOWN, EAT LESS. SIMPLE FORMULA. 

You can’t know whether to eat more or less unless you know your weight and know exactly how you look. If you’re frustrated by the numbers and the vision staring back at you from the looking-glass, YOU NEED A TARGET and a method to change the numbers and the view.

The target is to lose weight and the method: scales and mirrors.

You don’t have to count grams of food. If you have a weight problem you already know what’s fattening you up – unless you’ve been eating blind-folded with a clothespin over your nose all the while you gained it. DON’T ACT DUMB. You know how you gained it. NOW YOU LOSE IT THE SAME WAY. Back up. Take away that which made you fat in the first place.


to be continued…

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

CHEF DAVIES-TIGHT™. AFC Private Reserve™. THE ANIMAL-FREE CHEF™. The Animal-Free Chef Prime Content™. ANIMAL-FREE SOUS-CHEF™. Animal-Free Sous-Chef Prime Content™. ANIMAL-FAT-FREE CHEF™. Fat-Free Chef Prime Content™. AFC GLOBAL PLANTS™. THE TOOTHLESS CHEF™. WORD WARRIOR DAVIES-TIGHT™. Word Warrior Premium Content™. HAPPY WHITE HORSE™. Happy White Horse Premium Content™. SHARON ON THE NEWS™. SHARON'S FAMOUS LITTLE BOOKS™. SHARON'S BOOK OF PROSE™. CHALLENGED BY HANDICAP™. BIRTH OF A SEED™. LOCAL UNION 141™. Till now and forever © Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist. ARCHITECT of 5 PRINCIPLES TO A BETTER LIFE™ & FIVE STAR ANIMAL-FREE CUISINE™.

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