Shar Walking Log – Aug. thru Oct. 2017

I decided not to document number of floors climbed until I get serious about doing them – which I eventually will. On the iphone the floor recordings are not that accurate. I can climb a small hill up to my building and it sometimes records the steps as floors. Either way, I’m not doing enoughContinueContinue reading “Shar Walking Log – Aug. thru Oct. 2017”


In June 2017 I walked a marathon in 21 days. A marathon is 26 miles, so it was a little over a marathon in 21 days. I like the marathon reference. For me, that’s working. It keeps me keeping track of the miles. Sure, sometimes I forget to take my iphone tracker, but I don’tContinueContinue reading “WALKING A MARATHON -July 2017”

Logging Steps Or Miles – June 2017

Steve’s been logging his steps and miles via his cell phone for months. I have the same capability, but because I don’t have pockets to carry my phone around while I walk I don’t log the miles in. I’m changing that. I found one pair of leggin’ pants that has a back pocket, so amContinueContinue reading “Logging Steps Or Miles – June 2017”