“The First Supper”

I start off the day in a fasting mindset. It makes me think about it while still ‘in it’ from the night before. Usually when I plan a diet, I set the next day as the time to begin – or if I have an event, the day after that. Steve’s notorious Last Suppers sprangContinueContinue reading ““The First Supper””

Extending Autophagy and/or Ketosis

Extending Autophagy and/or prolonging Ketosis Could lead to dependence on fat already stored in cells as fuel sidestepping glucose even when there’s plenty of glucose available. Even when the body should be out of ketosis, due to carbohydrate consumption, ketosis still may occur – even long after the ketosis diet regimen was terminated. It’s calledContinueContinue reading “Extending Autophagy and/or Ketosis”


https://youtu.be/4wzO4T1fiP4 A Japanese cell biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2016 for his research on how cells recycle and renew their content, a process called autophagy. (two Greek words: “auto” or self and “phagy” to eat.) After about 17 hours of fasting, these cells start eating the cells that are the ‘debris’ of theContinueContinue reading “AUTOPHAGY”

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Fasting For Fast Fat Loss

For a few years now I thought I’d be happy at 147 pounds, given that I weighed 167 pounds. You know the feeling and the words – ‘all I need to do is lose twenty pounds? But you never get there. And it weighs heavy on you. Why not? Why can’t I lose that weightContinueContinue reading “Fasting For Fast Fat Loss”

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