“The First Supper”

I start off the day in a fasting mindset. It makes me think about it while still ‘in it’ from the night before. Usually when I plan a diet, I set the next day as the time to begin – or if I have an event, the day after that. Steve’s notorious Last Suppers sprangContinueContinue reading ““The First Supper””


Ponce De Leon. The fountain of youth. Why have I been searching for it, since my teenage days? I wanted to discover the fountain of youth. The real fountain of youth. I can see where someone might think sunshine and warm weather are more conducive to longer life than bitter winters. But the humidity ofContinueContinue reading “FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH”

Are OMICRON rates soaring in senior housing? Public housing?

Our senior residence building is awash in COVID. It happened suddenly and proliferated exponentially. I doubt if anyone is reporting it any more. The lady upstairs, called Kathy, died. Don’t know how many others. Everybody hunkering down. A friend at the local tavern a couple blocks away died on Christmas day – Greg Fitzgerald. OneContinueContinue reading “Are OMICRON rates soaring in senior housing? Public housing?”

The New Insomnia

THE NEW INSOMNIA Insomnia is only insomnia if you want to sleep and can’t. First I slept twenty-four hours. Then I was up twenty-two hours. Although tired, I had no interest in sleeping. The next day same thing. When normally I would go to bed when sleepy, instead I’d talk about it but stay upContinueContinue reading “The New Insomnia”


VACCINATED. Steve and I got the Pfizer 1st dose. 2nd dose in three weeks. They already had the 2nd appointment made for us. Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Efficient operation there. Impressed us both. They had all their bases covered, like an assembly line only six feet apart. In and out. First day post vaccine we bothContinueContinue reading “VACCINATED”

EMPTY THE PANTRY now is good

Empty The Pantry Your fat is what needs to be used up so it doesn’t collect and become a forever suitcase you intuitively think you need in case of emergency which you know will happen because emergencies always do. It’s like using food product before it’s expiration date. Yes, I believe that there is anContinueContinue reading “EMPTY THE PANTRY now is good”


Breathe in like you’re smoking a joint. Hold, release through the straw or mouth. Use various sizes and lengths. Visualize a tense muscle while you breathe in. Hold it for as long as you can at full capacity. Count if you must. Increase as you are able. Zero in on that one muscle – allContinueContinue reading “SHARON’S Straw”

3- What the Heck Does Find Your Bliss Mean?

How does one look for what they don’t know? When you’re doing what you know you should do, and it matches up with what you want to be doing – that’s bliss. To me that’s bliss. I felt that this morning for the first time in eons, maybe ever. It felt good. Free and easyContinueContinue reading “3- What the Heck Does Find Your Bliss Mean?”

2- It was like I was IN A wide awake coma.

I hit the wall after about 4 hours of methodical mild to moderate activity – always with purpose, something I knew needed to be done, while simultaneously enhancing my environment. I’m in the perpetual motion of redesigning my living space – never satisfied with the way it looks or functions, always finding a better way.ContinueContinue reading “2- It was like I was IN A wide awake coma.”

1- My Lungs Are Not Congested – Never were and still aren’t

But I’m short of breath. Just talking. During and after any activity too. I do activities in stages now. Cooking, washing dishes, cleaning, writing, computer work etc. – even dressing – is all done in stages. It’s like I felt when I had a toxic mold infection – the fatigue is overwhelming. It’s like afterContinueContinue reading “1- My Lungs Are Not Congested – Never were and still aren’t”