Daily Caloric Intake For Optimal Weight Loss

Optimal Weight Loss Per Daily Caloric Intake At some point on the calorie continuum you will lose the greatest amount of weight for however many calories you consume. Find that calorie number which produces the greatest amount of weight loss for you. It’s not the same for everyone. There is some truth to eating moreContinueContinue reading “Daily Caloric Intake For Optimal Weight Loss”

Begin 7/6/2018 on “AFC RAPID Fat Loss Diet”

5 WEEK AFC RAPID FAT LOSS DIET IT’S TIME TO MELT THE FAT That’s right, I’m nearing the end of my fat reduction year and weight-wise I’m not doing all that well. So like the procrastinator I am, I’ve got a lot to do in a short amount of time. I have a weigh-in dateContinueContinue reading “Begin 7/6/2018 on “AFC RAPID Fat Loss Diet””