A Point Of A Hundred Diseases

TSOF take on this: I didn’t know that we all have 100 diseases in our bodies waiting to be cured by a push and rub button located beneath our knee caps between two long leg bones. Or, if we push and rub in a certain way, at certain times it will prevent what may not be present in our bodies now.

Just in case I don’t have 100 diseases, I hope that by using the push and rub button I won’t activate those diseases. You know, like taking too many supplements gives you the same symptoms as a deficiency.

What if I don’t have any legs? Is there a way to prevent and/or cure 100 diseases by locating another push and rub button somewhere else on our bodies?

One Japanese legend says that, once upon a time there lived a happy man who received priceless knowledge from his father – the knowledge of the longevity point or a point of a hundred diseases. Following the advice of his father, the son massaged this point every day and he lived to see the birth and death of several emperors.

The massaging of some points is one of the oldest methods of treatment in the East, which has been used for thousands of years. Overall, the human body has 365 points and 12 main meridians, which is the same as the number of the days and months in one year.

The effects of these massages (acupressure, finger pressure to certain points), is based on the theory of the meridians and channels that are connected to certain organs. In Chinese medicine, the body is seen as an energy system, and therefore, the massage can affect the flow of energy and the functional activity of the organs.

The activation of the Zu San Li point causes a permanent rejuvenating and healing effect, delaying of the aging. In China, this point is known as – “the point of longevity” in Japan – “the point of a hundred diseases”.

Where is the magic point (Zu San Li) in our body?
The point of longevity is located below the kneecap. In order to find it, you should cover your knee with the palm of the same hand. The point is located between the ends of the little finger and ring finger, in the form of a small dent between the bones.
You can find in another way as well…

Finish reading: A Point Of A Hundred Diseases On Your Body: Here Is What Will Happen If You Massage It


Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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