9 Powerful Health Benefits of Cumin – weight loss

SUMMARY: You can get many of cumin’s benefits just by using small amounts as seasoning. Other benefits may only be available at supplemental doses.

6. May Promote Weight Loss and Fat Reduction

Concentrated cumin supplements have helped promote weight loss in a few clinical studies.One study of 88 overweight women found that yogurt containing 3 grams of cumin promoted weight loss, compared to yogurt without it.

Another study showed that participants who took 75 mg of cumin supplements every day lost 3 pounds (1.4 kg) more than those who took a placebo.

A third clinical study looked at the effects of a concentrated cumin supplement in 78 adult men and women. Those who took the supplement lost 2.2 pounds (1 kg) more over eight weeks than those who did not.

Again, not all studies agree. One study that used a smaller dose of 25 mg per day did not see any change in body weight, compared to a placebo…

READ MORE: 9 Powerful Health Benefits of Cumin

Chef’s Note: I haven’t done much with cumin. But, I’m going to take one teaspoon of powdered cumin a day and see if I tolerate it outside of a recipe. One teaspoon powder = 5,000 milligrams.

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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